Nature Creation

Mountains are one of the inhospitable places on the earth. Creatures like snow leopards, Indian Rhino, yak, Himalayan Griffon, Andean Condor, Tibetan Snowcock, etc. have adapted to live in mountain areas. Rocky terrains, thin breathing air, rough surface helps these creatures to survive in the mountains all over the world.
Oceans, Rivers and Valleys
Oceans, Rivers, and Valleys constitute most of the area on earth. One of the best gifts from nature is all these water resources. It is difficult for every living being to survive without water. Some creatures like sharks, dolphins, fishes, etc. survive on water resources. Also, some other beautiful and unknown creatures are under the water. Water is more important for agricultural, household, industrial and other environmental activities.
One of the useful and essential nature creation is Forests. Many creatures and even human beings depend more on forests. We get pure fresh air, rain, cold climate, different medicinal plants, lots of organic things, etc. only from forests. Forests are essential for every living creature to survive on this land. They also help to live a healthy life where it prevents us from pollution, diseases and other major issues.
Plants and Animals
Plants and Animals are also the well known and admiring nature creation. We can both internally and externally feel and enjoy this creation. The surface of earth mostly covers plants and animals. They contact with human beings directly and helps them in many ways. We get healthy fruits and vegetables from plants which are available in our daily life. Animals both domesticated and wild animals create an exposure.
Some creatures like camels, desert foxes, Addax antelope, etc., can only survive in deserts. They can adapt only to the climate conditions of deserts. Some habitats for flora and fauna, soil nutrients, beautiful sand texture, etc., make deserts more attractive. Some other benefits are like; there are no mosquitoes, storms will be very amazing, when it rains it smells fresh, etc.
